$100K in 100 Days Progress So Far!
Join us in prayer for God to provide for our financial needs! Check regularly to see how our $100K in 100 days goal is coming along and invite others to join in by donating below!
100 Days to Raise $100K for Eternal Impact!
Join us in an exciting mission to see more students encounter Jesus on college campuses. Together, we can fully fund the InterVarsity missionaries being sent to transform lives and shape futures for His glory. You can help us plant new Bible Studies at CSN Henderson, Charleston, and Cheyenne. Our goal is bold: $100K in 100 days—every gift counts, and we believe our God can provide in incredible ways! Will you invest in seeing Las Vegas transformed by Jesus starting at UNLV, Nevada State, and CSN?
Where Your Contribution Will Go
Planting on our College of Southern Nevada Campuses
New Ethnic-Specific Focused Ministries**More details about InterVarsity's focused ministries can be found here |
Join our staff team every morning (M-F) at 8am in Prayer for the Dreams Jesus has for our Greater Vegas Valley Campuses!Contact Kevin Cotton to join us in prayer! |
Partnering with New Student Leaders and Staff |